Cloud BOT Agent Cloud Edition

The 'Cloud BOT Agent Cloud Edition' is an optional service that allows the use of a Cloud BOT Agent deployed in the cloud.

It is possible to achieve the fixed allocation of IP addresses used by the BOT and an extension of the continuous executiontime of the BOT in a fully cloud-based environment.

Cloud BOT Agent Cloud Edition

We provide a Cloud BOT Agent that allows the use of a "Virtual browser".

Usage fees $100 per unit per month * The contract is available for a minimum of 2 units (due to the need for redundant configuration)
* The contract is available for a minimum of 2 units (due to the need for redundant configuration)
Fix the IP address used by the BOT

When accessing target websites, the BOT routes through the Cloud BOT Agent on the cloud, enables access with a fixed IP address.

Extended continuous executiontime for BOT

Utilizing the agent browser allows for extending the BOT's continuous executiontime up to 2 hours.
*In the Cloud BOT Agent Cloud Edition, parallel execution of agent browsers is not recommended.

No Maintenance Required

The Cloud BOT Agent automatically updates to the latest version, eliminating the need for manual updates or maintenance.

* Example of configuration

Cloud BOT Agent Lite Cloud Edition

We provide a Cloud BOT Agent that allows the use of a "Virtual connector".

Usage fees $50 per unit per month * The contract is available for a minimum of 2 units (due to the need for redundant configuration)
* The contract is available for a minimum of 2 units (due to the need for redundant configuration)
Fix the IP address used by the BOT

When accessing target websites, the BOT routes through the Cloud BOT Agent on the cloud, enables access with a fixed IP address.

No Maintenance Required

The Cloud BOT Agent automatically updates to the latest version, eliminating the need for manual updates or maintenance.

* Example of configuration
Those considering the Cloud BOT Agent cloud version, please contact us through the inquiry form.